Taylor, 17 — Arcadia, Florida (USA) :
It is nearly impossible for me to pick one moment in this beautiful series. But this scene simply is too stunning to go unnoticed.
Ben Linus: Thomas the Apostle. When Jesus wanted to return to Judea, knowing that he would probably be murdered there, Thomas said to the others, “Let us also go there and we might die with him.” But Thomas was not remembered for this bravery. His claim to fame came later when he refuses to acknowledge the resurrection. He just couldn’t wrap his mind around it. The story goes that he needed to touch Jesus wounds to be convinced.
— Jack Shephard: “So was he?”
— Ben Linus: “Of course he was. We’re all convinced sooner or later, Jack.“
This story explains Jack so perfectly. “He just couldn’t wrap his mind around it.” This one scene show’s Jack’s growth, show’s how far he has come sense September 22nd, 2004. It gives me chills every time Michael Emerson delivers this line.