Posts Tagged ‘season 4’

No matter what you hear, don’t come upstairs.

Saturday, March 29th, 2014

Raymond, 34 — Glasgow (Scotland):

My Lost moment is one that perfectly encapsulates the show. It didn’t reveal the identity of the smoke monster, or who The Others were, or where Jack got those rad tattoos. Instead the moment introduced a single character, but did so in a typically Lostian way.

Miles Straume made his first appearance on the island in a confrontation with Jack and Kate. But this is Lost, after all, so it was time for a  flashback.


(That was the flashback noise, by the way)


Inglewood, California

Miles arrives at the house of Mrs Gardner, whose grandson, we learn, had been murdered. As Straume enters, the camera dwells on photos hanging on the walls—images of a teenage boy, presumably the dead grandson, staring back from inside wooden photo frames.

Whatever this Miles guy is here to do, he’s given $200 for it. Straume heads upstairs to the dead boy’s bedroom, warning Mrs Gardner, “No matter what you hear, don’t come up.

Miles enters the room and sits on the bed. The camera fast-pans—a sign something weird is happening. Miles looks around, then speaks to someone unseen, “Tell me where it is.

There’s a rumble; something falls. Miles pulls open a vent on the wall, finding behind it a banded wad of cash and a pouch of yellow powder. He sniffs the powder, says “You can go now“, and leaves the room.

Miles goes back downstairs, the camera again pausing on those same metal-framed photos. He gives Mrs Gardner half her money back, and leaves. End of flashback.

Miles appearance on the island raised some questions: who is this guy, and what skills does he possess that make him suitable to land on my island? As was often the Lost way, the flashback answered some questions but generated many more: so this guy can speak to the dead? Was he supposed to exorcise the dead boy’s spirit? How did he know there was a stash in that room? Why is he stealing from a dead boy? Is it still stealing if the boy is dead? Should I know who Mrs Gardner is? What is this show doing to my mind?

Lost would go on to make Miles’ talent for necrocommunication part of the show. The other questions I had? They didn’t get answered. Which was fine. I didn’t obsess over them.

Well, except one.

There was another mystery in that moment that, six years after the episode aired, still picks at my brain. And that, more than anything else, is what makes this scene classically Lostian.

When Miles went upstairs, those photos were in wooden frames. When he came back down, the frames were metal.

Say what now?

There are some who consider this not a mystery, but a production error, a simple mistake in set design. Yet twice in that scene the camera deliberately paused on those photos. As viewers we were definitely supposed to focus on… something. Who Mrs Gardner’s grandson was didn’t appear to matter, so what other reason could there be to focus on those images unless to highlight a change?

As is the Lost way, one question leads to another. If we’re supposed to realise the frames had changed, then why did they change? Did Miles’ visit in some way affect Mrs Gardner’s past? If metal photo frames are more expensive than wooden ones, then did Straume’s appearance make the old woman retroactively wealthier? After Miles gave Mrs Gardner $100 back, did she hop in a time machine and go spend that money on some new home furnishings? I do not know.

This scene encapsulates my experience of watching Lost. Because it was weird, exciting, and unpredictable. Because it answered questions with more questions. Because there were lots of things I didn’t understand.

Because I’m on the internet wondering about weird theories when I should be in bed.

Because six years after this episode aired, and four years after the show ended, I still regularly think about both.

That, to me, is what Lost was all about.

I hope you’re happy now, Jacob.

Monday, July 30th, 2012

Skyler, 24 — Seoul (South Korea) :

Back in university I lived with my three roommates, a dysfunctional couple and my best friend, Daniel. There were many instances of tension in our small three-bedroom duplex household, everything from whose turn it was to do the dishes, pay the bills, or take out the trash,  to friendly debates over religion or politics that escalated into full-blown raging arguments. Lost was always there however, and was a constant that seemed the extinguish all current feuding in our lives.

On May 29th, 2008, we and millions of other Lost fans sat down to watch the Season 4 finale “There’s No Place Like Home”. Everything had been planned weeks in advance; snacks, food, beers. We all huddled around the television eagerly awaiting the rescue of the Oceanic 6 and the revelation of who laid in the coffin.

I remember Benjamin Linus, clad in his DHARMA parka, in that cold, unseen room with what would soon be known worldwide simply as “the frozen donkey wheel”. He huffed and puffed, feet slipping yearning from traction as he slowly inched the wheel round. My eyes began to well up with tears, overcome by the emotions of the struggling Linus on the television screen in front of me. “I hope you’re happy now, Jacob“, Linus spoke, right as out television flicked once and went black.

Initially, I thought this was some sort of Sopranos-esque play, an attempt to capture the audience, as Lost typically did, in equal parts wonder and frustration, but we collectively realized the lights on our satellite box had began flashing an unknown sequence of lights.

Accusations began flying over who had, or rather hadn’t mailed off the satellite bill, but it was quickly agreed upon that the bill had in fact been mailed as it was supposed to have been. Together we began scrambling, one person resetting the satellite box, one checking the upstairs television to see if it was encountering the same problem, one person on the phone calling various other Lost fan around our small little university town to see if they too had lost service.

We were the only ones.

It seemed like an eternity before the television flickered and Lost appeared again on our screen, Ben Linus now in the Hoffs-Drawlar Funeral Parlor speaking to an emotional Jack, hunched over the coffin. We all breathed a sigh of relief, before we had our breath taken away, seeing John Locke, dead in the coffin.

The next day we caught up on the fifteen or so minutes we had missed the night before. Just as we did the night prior, this time with a laptop, we all came together, as a household, as friends, as fan to watch the Island move.

We’ve all since moved on now and out of that duplex. The four of us have all graduated from university, the couple is set to be married in September, my best friend has a solid job in this ever so shaky economy, and I am currently teaching English in Seoul, South Korea. The four of us still talk Lost whenever possible, showing that Lost, like the Island itself, has a way a bringing people together despite the situation.

My name is Benjamin Linus. I believe you’re looking for me?

Thursday, July 19th, 2012

Jérôme, 25 — Melun (France) :

To me, Lost was a great show since season 1, but something made the fans crazy at the end of season 3: the use of the Flash Forwards, Damon Lindelof & Carlton Cuse’s new toy. A lot of us expected to see the survivors getting off the Island at the end of the show, but we were WRONG! We would knew mid-season 4 who were the six passengers who made it off the Island: Aaron Littleton, Sun Kwon, Kate Austen, Sayid Jarrah, Hugo “Hurley” Reyes and Jack Shephard.

At the end of “There’s No Place Like Home part 1”, the ♫ “Of Mice and Ben” ♫ music is playing, showing all the Oceanic 6 in terrible situations, all split across the Island. Sun with Aaron on the boat, leaving Jin and Michael to deal with the C4 on the boat. Kate and Sayid captured by Richard and his people. Jack and Sawyer still in the forest, going to the Orchid. Hurley with Locke and Ben in the Orchid.

The first part of this episode ends with Ben asking to Locke “How many times do I have to tell you, John? I always have a plan!” just before confronting Keamy: “My name is Benjamin Linus. I believe you’re looking for me?“.

Even though this season finale lasted three episodes, this was a very nice cliffhanger for the first part. It opened the following question: how all of these six people will be able to get off the Island together?! How will that be possible?!

We got our answer at the end of part 3. We also learnt, finally, the identity of Jeremy Betham in the coffin (!), leaving us speachless for the next eight months. WHAT A SHOW!

You believe me? You still care about me?

Saturday, January 8th, 2011

Andrew, 22 – Dallas, Texas (USA) :

In the craziness of the episode “The Constant”, there was one shining moment of wonderful clarity: when Desmond finally speaks to Penny on the phone.
In a show that was so much about longing, yearning, waiting, and hoping, this moment captured the feelings that resonated so deeply in me. We weren’t sure if the islanders would ever be safe or who would make it out alive, but we knew what Desmond knew when he talked to Penny, saying with desperate joy, “You believe me? You still care about me?” The waiting was worth it; the hoping was justified; the yearning and longing, for  just a moment, were satisfied.

Lysa – New England (USA) :

I love Lost for so many reasons but the moments that still give me chills are all about, oh goodness me, the romance!  For so long the story of Desmond and Penny was built up, built up, more and more.  Well, once that scene happens, that scene when Desmond speaks to Penny on the phone for the first time since he had crashed into that damned island –  I cried happy tears and lots of them.

Chris, 30 — New York (USA):

My wife and I have been together ten years (beginning our relationship shortly before the show started). We didn’t get into the show until a few years in but when we did, we immediately fell in love together (and with) Desmond and Penny.
The theme of “My Constant” echoed so true to us and has stuck with us ever since. The moment Desmond connects with his constant was one of, if not, the most powerful moment on television to us.
We would later go on to call each other one another’s constant in our own wedding vows, name our dog Penny and our son Desmond. We’ve had ten years with Lost and we wouldn’t be the same people without it. That moment is forever our favorite moment in the show — second to their finding one another again at the end of Season 4.
Here’s to the “Constants”.

I love you, Penny… and I’ll never leave you again.

Monday, October 25th, 2010

Thomas, 22 – Chartres (France) :

Love, the power of Love. I guess that’s what Lost means to me.

I have too many favourite scenes to pick only one, yet one moment keeps popping in my head when I think about Lost : the long-awaited reunion of Desmond and Penny on her boat. One only needs to see how the two wonderful actors (Henry Ian Cusick and Sonya Walger) look at each other with a twinkle in their eyes, to sense that their love, their hope to meet again one day had never faded.

This is THEIR moment, that we get to share, despite our will, while we’d prefer to leave them alone, in their intimacy.

Their kissing is just energy in fusion, it comes and pierces our heart, the music is mesmerizing, we get goosebumps, and we’re happy, so happy for them that we almost forget it is only a TV show, and that those characters are not for real – though we’d love them to be. That way they could show the world that their love is eternal: a solid couple never, ever gives up.

They did everything they could to meet again. We had been waiting for two seasons. How incredible this scene is, so strong and passionate, there are no words to describe it.

Then, Desmond introduces his new friends to Penny. She doesn’t know them yet and it’s almost like we are meeting them for the first time, too, as if they were complete strangers. On that aspect, too, the scene is moving: we think of our Losties who finally get to meet a “normal” person. How great it must be for them to make a new friend out of this damn Island.

This magical moment perfectly sums up Lost. It is, I think, proof that true Love exists. That’s what the power of Love means.

I’m so glad that you’re here.

Monday, September 20th, 2010

Liz, 17 – Syracuse (New York, USA) :

My favorite Lost moments are all the JATE ones. The first time they met, their first kiss… Every moment they had I loved. My favorite one was “Something nice back home” when she jumped on him and they started kissing. Amazing! Their love was real, Sawyer and her’s relationship was just beacuse she needed him. Like, there were more alike, she was a bad girl and he was a bad boy. She felt like the life she lived off the island was what she was used to in Sawyer. Jack was the real thing. He was what she really wanted but was scared. Jack changed her, she was afraid at first, and so was he…
They both showed how they felt for one another, but didn’t show it like they we’re supposed to. I always knew they were gonna end up together, the Island just wasn’t the place for them to be together, at THE END, that’s why they became ONE. I always wonder if they never met on the Island, would they have end together off the island. The Island was meant for them to meet and be together. They lived two different lives, but the Island forgot about everyone’s life they lived before, like a new person. I love JATE relationship, because they both knew they cared, but after a while, they tried not to show it – the whole Sawyer and Juliet thing that was going on in season 3 when they had to part, she was with Sawyer and he was with Juliet. But I always felt, it was a test, and it was always them two, they were just afraid. But it was always JATE.

She’s a pawn, nothing more.

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

Adriane, 20 – San Francisco, California (USA) :

His eyes wide, his lips nearly trembling, he continues to speak, desperately waiting for his words to have some kind of effect on the grinning mercenary standing outside the window, holding his daughter at gunpoint. “I stole her as a baby from an insane woman. She’s a pawn, nothing more.” He tries again: “She means nothing to me.” Ben stands his ground. “I’m not coming out of this house. So if you want to kill her, go ahead and do it–” BANG. Alex slumps to the ground as Ben’s eyes widen further, and for once, he is wordless, his face frozen in shock, then pain, as the image of his dead daughter burns into his memory forever. In this moment, Benjamin Linus becomes human, his loss echoing through every step he will take over the remainder of the series, and when he later says goodbye to his daughter, I cry with him.

You can’t be… a superhero

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

JB, 28 – Paris (France) :

This is one of the flashback scenes in Cabin Fever, the season 4, perfectly titled episode about Locke’s connexion with the Island at crucial moments of his life. Locke is a nerdy teenager, the butt of the joke of his whole high school. His science teacher finds him trapped in a… locker. He brings him in his office and proceeds to tell him about the summer camp of a Portland-based company called Mittelos Laboratories. Locke is less than thrilled. “I like boxing and fishing and cars. I like sports!“, he says. His teacher turns pale, marks a pause, and goes on with a 15-second speech that, to me, became one of the most powerful lines in Lost, ever : “I’m gonna tell you something – something I wish someone had told me at your age : you might not want to be that guy in the labs surrounded by test tubes and beakers… but that’s who you are, John. You can’t be the prom king. You can’t be the quarterback. You can’t be… a superhero.
I don’t know the name of the actor who portrayed this teacher, but I can’t think of any other actor in Lost who has used such a short screen time so intensely. Plus the line completely captures one the key notion of Lost : being able to “let go” and accepting who you are. A monologue so great it almost eclipses the iconic Locke signature phrase that comes as a sharp reply from Young John : “Don’t tell me what I can’t do“.