Archive for May, 2011

I have always been with you.

Thursday, May 26th, 2011

Anna, 15 — Munich (Germany) :

Marina started watching Lost a long time ago. She was always talking about it and when we watched a movie together in which an actor from the show appeared, she was always like, “Oh my God, s/he is from Lost!” And I was just like, “I don’t really care…
Last year, when we had no school for a few days, almost everyone made a little trip. But I stayed at home and had no idea what to do. Before Marina had to say goodbye, she gave me the first season of Lost on DVD. And she promised me, I would like it. After I’ve watched the pilot, I was totally addicted to it. Now, we are re-watching it together. It’s the best show ever.
The “I have always been with you” scene means so much to me, because I always wanted Jack and Kate to be together. And I was very sad when Kate and Sawyer were close but Jack was alone. In this scene, Kate finally admits she always loved Jack! This made me so happy that I started crying.

I know that we’re supposed to be together, you and me.

Monday, May 23rd, 2011

Marina, 16 — Munich (Germany) :

I watched Lost a very long time ago for the first time. I was so fascinated by the show that I was talking like day and night about it. When I bought the seasons on DVD I just said to my friend Anna: “You HAVE TO watch it!” Well then she watched it and just got as obsessed as I was — actually I made five other classmates watching this show. Now we’re rewatching it again. Lost is the best show I’ve ever seen — well, we‘ve ever seen. [Laughs]
My Lost moment is at the end of episode “Maternity Leave”, when Claire gives to Aaron the socket she made while she was with the Others. It’s such a heartbreaking moment when she tells him secretly that she wanted to leave him with the Others, but she now has realized that they are meant to be together and that they have to protect each other. When she starts crying, you can’t hold back your tears.

You wanna go to hell?! You wanna go to hell?!!

Friday, May 6th, 2011

Jack, 19 – Portsmouth (England) :

To me, this is one of the most important and emotional scenes for Sawyer. In this Lost moment, Sawyer finally meets the man that ruined his life by conning his mom and dad when he was a kid.
When I was watching this scene my eyes were glued to the TV, I started to feel what Sawyer was feeling, I could see the emotion in his face, and after he killed Antony Cooper, I felt happy for him but at the same time I worried that we might not have the Sawyer we all love anymore and that this moment might change him as a person. I think we did see a new Sawyer. What’s extra special is that this guy who Sawyer just killed was John Locke’s father, and killing him helped Locke move on with his life too. Overall this is a tense, emotional moment that sums up what Lost is… Character redemption, and moving on.